Joseph's Way - Novena to Saint Joseph

Follow St. Joseph's journey of faith, from his Annunciation to Jesus' birth and circumcision. Learn to trust God's plan with courage, obedience, and silent strength.


Step into the hidden life of St. Joseph through this novena, where we follow his journey of faith, obedience, and silent strength. 

From his Annunciation, when he humbly accepted God's will, to the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, and the moment he named the Child at His circumcision, Joseph reveals what it means to trust completely in God. 

Through his example, we learn to embrace God's plan with courage, even in uncertainty.

The Oblates of Saint Joseph serve the interest of Jesus in imitation of Saint Joseph. Lean more about them on their website.

Novena prayer

Litany of Saint Joseph

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Christ, hear us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God the Father in heaven, have mercy on us. God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us. God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us. Holy Mary, pray for us. Saint Joseph, pray for us. Illustrious Son of David, pray for us. Light of Patriarchs, pray for us. Spouse of the Mother of God, pray for us. Guardian of the Redeemer, pray for us. Pure Guardian of the Virgin, pray for us. Provider for the Son of God, pray for us. Zealous defender of Christ, pray for us. Servant of Christ, pray for us. Minister of salvation, pray for us. Head of the Holy Family, pray for us. Joseph, most just, pray for us. Joseph, most chaste, pray for us. Joseph, most prudent, pray for us. Joseph, most brave, pray for us. Joseph, most obedient, pray for us. Joseph, most loyal, pray for us. Mirror of patience, pray for us. Lover of poverty, pray for us. Model for workers, pray for us. Glory of family life, pray for us. Guardian of virgins, pray for us. Cornerstone of families, pray for us. Support in difficulties, pray for us. Comfort of the sorrowing, pray for us. Hope of the sick, pray for us. Patron of exiles, pray for us. Patron of the afflicted, pray for us. Patron of the poor, pray for us. Patron of the dying, pray for us. Terror of demons, pray for us. Protector of the Holy Church, pray for us. Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world spare us, O Lord. Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world hear us, O Lord. Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world have mercy on us. v He made him master of his house, r and ruler of all his possessions. Let us pray. O blessed St. Joseph, tender-hearted father, faithful guardian of Jesus, chaste spouse of the Mother of God, I pray and beseech you to offer to God the Father my praise to him through his divine Son, who died on the cross and rose again to give us sinners new life. Through the holy name of Jesus, pray with us that we may obtain from the eternal Father, the favor we ask…(Pause)… We have been unfaithful to the unfailing love of God the Father; beg of Jesus mercy for us. Amid the splendors of God's loving presence, do not forget the sorrows of those who suffer, those who pray, those who weep. By your prayers and those of your most holy spouse, our Blessed Lady, may the love of Jesus answer our call of confident hope. Amen.