A Guide to the Rosary

The rosary, the famous religious object in the shape of a necklace, made of small or large beads and closed by a medal and a cross, is probably not unfamiliar to you. You may have noticed it at the belt of a monk, hanging from the rearview mirror of a car, in the hands of an elderly woman in prayer, tattooed on the forearms of a young man, or even perhaps at the bottom of one of your drawers... This object is not foreign to us, yet we may still have questions or even a few misconceptions about it. What is its purpose? How do you pray with a rosary? Isn’t it a prayer that’s too difficult or too long, reserved for the devout and religious? What can this object bring to my prayer life? Feel free to ask all these questions, and discover through Hozana's guide to the rosary how this simple, accessible prayer tool can reveal beautiful mysteries to you!


Pray the Rosary with Our Lady of Fátima!


What is the Rosary?

The rosary is a tool for prayer. It is made up of beads or grains. The traditional Catholic rosary, used for praying the Rosary, consists of 5 sets of 10 small beads (or grains), each separated by a larger bead. It is closed at one end with 5 additional beads.

 This religious object has existed for centuries and can be found in various religions. It helps with prayer and meditation. The one praying recites prayers or invocations while counting the beads. The repetitive nature of the prayer helps calm and focus the mind and enter into prayer.
 In Christian tradition, the Desert Fathers in the early days of Christianity used this system to help them recite the 150 psalms daily.
 While the rosary is often associated with the beautiful prayer of the Rosary, it can also be used for other prayers, such as the Chaplet of the Holy Spirit or the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.

Find detailed answers to all your questions:

  • What is the origin and history of the rosary?
  • What are the different types of rosaries?
  • What is the difference between the rosary and the Rosary?

How to Pray the Rosary

The traditional rosary is prayed using three main prayers: the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and the Glory Be.

You start at the end of the rosary:

  • On the cross: make the sign of the cross and say the Apostles' Creed
  • On the large bead: one Our Father
  • On the three small beads: one Hail Mary on each bead
  • On the large bead: one Glory Be

On the rosary itself, for each decade:

  • On the large bead: one Our Father
  • On the 10 small beads: one Hail Mary on each bead


Depending on different devotions and types of rosaries, other prayers can be added (such as the Fatima prayer, for example). There are also clausulas—phrases that can be added, particularly to the Hail Mary, for certain prayers like the Rosary.

In the Rosary prayer, each decade is associated with a mystery from the life of Christ that we are invited to meditate on. The mystery can be introduced in different ways to help us contemplate, meditate, and ask for its fruits.

Beyond the mysteries of the Rosary, each rosary or each decade of a rosary can be offered to God for a specific intention. Before beginning the prayer or at the start of a decade, it is important to take the time to express this prayer intention.

Find a detailed step-by-step guide to accompany you in praying the rosary, along with practical tips to help you.

Why Pray the Rosary?

The Church encourages praying the rosary, particularly the Rosary; in fact, the Virgin Mary herself, in some of her apparitions, asked that we pray the rosary. Many popes and saints have made it their daily prayer and have emphasized the power of this prayer.

Because this prayer is accessible to everyone
 Regardless of how accustomed we are to prayer, whether we are used to meditating or not at all, we can all pray the rosary. Pope Francis reminds us that it is “the prayer of the simple and the saints.” Whether alone or with others, within our parish, we can all start. No prior experience is required! There are many free resources to support this practice, whether you're a beginner or more experienced, such as rosary sessions in parishes, online communities, or the Rosario app.

Because Mary guides us
 The rosary, which revolves around the recitation of the Hail Mary, is a Marian prayer. Thus, Mary prays with us during the rosary. We entrust her with our intentions, and she places them at the feet of her Son; she also guides us through the meditation of the mysteries to better understand God’s will and the graces He wants to offer us.

To take time with God
 It’s not always easy to enter into prayer, to remain in silence listening to God (as in silent prayer), or to speak to Him for long periods. The structure of the rosary and the repetitive nature of the prayer provide a framework that helps release mental distractions and refocus on God for a longer period of time. We are focused on “being” rather than “doing.” The goal is not just to recite the prayers (it’s not about saying as many decades as possible, for example), but to be fully present with God, and the repetition helps anchor us in the present moment. For a few minutes (a rosary takes about twenty minutes; a decade about 5 minutes), we are with Him. This time allows us to cultivate intimacy with Him and to nurture our relationship with Him.

Experience the spiritual benefits
 Through the rosary, many graces are offered to us. It’s a prayer that protects us, helps us delve deeper into the mysteries of Christian faith, and bears many fruits in our lives, as well as for those around us and the world. This prayer connects us to ourselves, to others, and to Christ.
 Sister Lucia of Fatima reminds us: “There is no problem, no matter how difficult it is, that cannot be solved through the prayer of the rosary.”

Did you know that Hozana has developed an app to help you stay faithful to your daily prayer? Discover the fruits of each mystery of the Rosary with Rosario!

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