The Lord's Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer (also known as The ‘Our Father’) is one of the main Christian prayers, along with the Apostles’ Creed. Used by Catholics, Protestants and Orthodoxs alike, this prayer is a beautiful way of abandoning yourself to God. Together with the ‘Hail Mary’, the ‘Our Father’ is one of the most recited prayers by members of the Catholic Faith across the globe. It is the first and only prayer that Jesus Christ directly taught to his disciples to be transmitted to us. Find here The Lord’s Prayer !

(For a more in-depth experience of this prayer, find the context behind each of its sentences by discovering the meaning of The Our Father.)


The Our Father in English

“Our Father,

who art in Heaven, 

hallowed be Thy name;

Thy Kingdom come,

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses, 

as we forgive those who trespass against us;

lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.


Discover the French, Latin, Aramaic, German, Spanish and Italian versions of the Lord’s Prayer. 

How and When to Say The Our Father?

The Lord’s Prayer is a gorgeous prayer that contains both an act of abandonment to God and a series of requests for Him. You can say it to begin your morning or night prayer session, or to confide a prayer intention. 

The Lord’s Prayer can be prayed in different ways: It is a prayer that is recited when praying the Rosary, and it is recited in many Novenas.  

This Prayer is also a prayer for communion among Christians (since we say “Our” Father, and not “My” Father). It is important that you are able to say it as a Community Prayer, which happens during Mass.

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Pray to Our Heavenly Father with Hozana

Every one of our Prayers are to God: for example,  Catholics praying to St. JosephSt. RitaSt. Michael or saying Novenas is simply asking for the intercession of the Saints, so that through them, you may transmit your prayer to God the Father. However, Catholics, Protestants and Orthodoxs alike can speak directly to the Lord to thank Him or to ask Him for blessings. Hozana offers various prayer programs to confide in God, and gives us opportunities every day to take part in community prayer : together with other Christians, 

, or you  can 
! By praying with others and through Saints, you can learn to get closer to God every day!

Association Hozana - 8 rue du Palais de Justice, 69005 Lyon

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