Prayers for a Soulmate

When praying, we often address to the Lord our most personal requests, and entrust Him with our wounds and what is missing in our lives. 

Whether you are young, or a bit older, and whether or not you are content with your celibacy, you might still feel a profound desire to find love, or to be reunited with a soulmate. So, let’s pray with complete confidence in the Lord, and ask Him to help us open our hearts to the ‘love plan’ that He has for each of us. 

Two Powerful Prayers to Find a Soulmate

A prayer to Meet Your Soulmate, by Frederic Ozanam

“I feel in myself a great emptiness, which neither friendship nor study seem to fill. I do not know who will come to fill it: will it be God? Will it be another creature? If it is a creature, I pray that it will take some time in coming, when I have become worthy.

I pray that it will bring with it the necessary external charms so as not to leave any room for regret. But I especially pray that this creature, she, will come with an excellent soul, will bring great virtue, and will be much better than I am, that she draw me upward, that she not drag me down, that she be generous because I am often timid, that she be fervent because I am lukewarm in the things of God, and, finally, that she be compassionate so that I, in my inferiority, may not have to blush before her.

Do not forsake me, Lord. Grant that I may be loved. You know it is not only sweetness that I seek in Love; it is the contempt for all baseness, it is the strength to fight for the Good, for the True.


A Prayer to St. Valentine for Love

“St. Valentine, hear my prayer.

I trust in your kindness; here I am, imploring your charity and compassion.

Intercede on my behalf, keep me from loneliness, and allow me to find my true soulmate. 

St. Valentine, you are the saint patron of lovers; do not let me fall into despair, pain and silence. 

Allow me to share with another this precious light of love. 

Intercede for me, a poor sinner, to the Most High, Who I fervently worship, and Whose Holy Law I humbly observe.

Saint Valentine, you offered so much of your love and charity during your pilgrimage on earth. Now as you live among the saints in God’s Heavenly court, I implore you to receive my prayer. Pray for me, assist me, clear my heart from darkness, so I may let in the light of love and happiness. 


How to Pray to Find a Soulmate?

The Search for True Love

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails. 

(1 Corinthians 13, 4-8)

Abandon Yourself to God’s Love Plan

 Love is about welcoming the unexpected. There is no real “miracle”, “powerful” prayer to make someone fall in love with you: this would go against the very notion of love, a gift from God, and the respect of everyone’s individual liberty

However, it is always a good idea to pray to God for guidance in your quest:

  • You can pray that He grants you the gift of discernment, to better understand what His plan for you is: is it conjugal life? Family life? Or does He have other expectations for your future?

  • You can also pray that He lets you see others through His eyes, and find in them the treasures He left in our path.

  • Don’t forget to also ask Him for patience. As St. Teresa of Avila said: “patience obtains all things”

Entrust the Lord With Your Future Couple

Don’t stop praying just because you have found love! Being in a couple is both a beautiful and challenging lifestyle. A good way to make it last is to humbly entrust your relationship to the Lord

There are many prayers to do so:

What Saints to Pray for Love?

Praying God to ask Him for His assistance in finding your soulmate is important. You can also turn to the help and intercession of the Saints in your research. 

St. Anthony of Padua is the protector of lovers. Love-seekers and people trying to be reunited with their past loved-ones often pray to him (after all, St. Anthony is the patron saint of lost things!) 

You can also pray to saints who found the exact person God intended them to be with, and lived an exemplary couple life: Sts. Louis and Zelie Martin, Sts. Anne and Joachim (The Virgin Mary’s parents)... 

Open Yourself to the Love of God with Hozana

Hozana is a social network designed to help you grow your faith by joining hundreds of prayer communities. Learn to entrust your special petitions to the Lord, and to discover His plan for you with prayer and meditation:

Say a novena to St. Anne, the grandmother of Jesus Christ: pray for families and single Christians, that they may find the person with whom to start their own family!

Lay back and enjoy a time of spiritual relaxation with a reading and meditation on the Daily Gospel

Discover the saints on Hozana: learn more about the powerful intercessors and how to pray to them!

Association Hozana - 8 rue du Palais de Justice, 69005 Lyon

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