The Lord’s Prayer, the Hail Mary, the Apostles’ Creed are all fundamental prayers of Christian tradition. But whether you are praying with a community, or praying on your own, there are many other prayers that you can recite to bring your intentions to God, and express your gratitude.
We have compiled a list of prayers to answer your prayer preferences: if you love praying to the Virgin Mary, or the Saints; if you feel more comfortable saying short prayers, or reciting traditional ones, discover or revisit these beautiful prayers to enrich your oratory content.
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Many prayers are common to every branch of Christianity, namely Catholicism, Protestantism, and Orthodoxy. Christian prayers remind us that we are all brothers and sisters in Christ: He is our true identity. Discover a few main Christian prayers:
The Lords’ Prayer. The “Our Father” is the first Christian prayer, passed down to us by Jesus Christ Himself.
The Liturgy of the Hours, daily prayer Offices for every Christian.
The Apostles’ Creed (in its longer form the Niceno-constantinopolitan Creed), a profession of faith from the time of the Primitive Church, defining the tenets of Christian faith.
The “Glory Be”, a prayer of praise to the Holy Trinity.
God always hears our prayers, if they are recited with fervor and complete abandonment to Him. Keep a patient heart and trusting heart, to be able to discern the work of God in your life and welcome His graces. Whatever our difficulties or requests may be, you can always leave them into the hands of the Lord. Here are a few prayers to help you invite God into your heart, and let Him work through you.
The prayer of abandonment by Charles de Foucauld;
Morning prayers to offer you day to the Lord, and allow Him to work through you;
“Veni Sancte Spiritus”, a prayer to the Holy Spirit;
The Canticle of the Sun, a beautiful tribute to God’s nature by St. Francis of Assisi
The Queen of Angels, the Greatest of All Saints, the Mother of Christ… Our Mother Mary has numerous titles, and she is the subject of an important devotion.
You can pray to The Virgin Mary with traditional prayers, such as the “Hail Mary”, the “Salve Regina”, the “Magnificat”, or with other forms of prayer:
With litanies: for example, the Litany of Loreto;
With novenas, such as the Novena to The Immaculate Conception, the Novena to Mary Untier of Knots, the Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal, the Novena to Our Lady of Fatima… Discover beautiful Marian prayers on Hozana!
In our prayers, we can ask for the intercession of saints, so they may pray to the Lord for us and with us. Some saints have “specialties”, which can prove very efficient in specific situations: work and financial-related problems, relationship issues, need of spiritual guidance…
First and foremost, pray to St. Joseph, the Foster Father of Jesus Christ! St. Joseph is the patron saint of workers; you can entrust Him with your work and housing problems. Ask him to bring your prayers to Jesus Christ, Who he raised, with the beautiful “Hail Joseph” prayer.
Turn to St. Anthony of Padua for all your love related requests;
Pray to St. Michael Archangel to obtain his strength and protection in your spiritual combat;
Pray to St. Rita, the patron saint of desperate causes, and to St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Jude, St. Benedict, St. Expedite, St. Christopher, St. Bernadette Soubirous… They are all ready to accompany you on your journey on earth, and bring your prayers to the Lord.
Discover prayer communities to the saints on Hozana: pray to St. Ignace Loyola, St. Augustine, and many other powerful intercessors!
You don’t need to say prolonged prayers, with a complex vernacular to confide yourself in God. Prayer is a daily dialogue between you and God, a heart to heart, and it is as simple and sincere as a conversation between a Father and His child. Two, three words are enough to say a prayer, as long as they are said with love. Very short types of prayers are called “aspirations.” To go further than that, contemplative prayers are totally silent.
You can also say short morning and evening prayers to entrust your day or your night to the Lord.
Pray every day on Hozana: discover prayer communities to accompany your time of prayer throughout the day.
The Mass is a perfect opportunity to pray with a community (“where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18: 20).
The Eucharistic prayer during Mass is a consecration of the bread and wine. This rite allows us to commemorate the Last Supper and prepares us to receive the Body and Blood of Christ together. During every service, the congregation recites prayers of the faithful with special intentions for the Church and the world.
Common prayers also happen during important events, such as baptism, weddings, or funerals (with prayers for the departed).