For those in affliction: Novena to Saint Rita

You who are in affliction? Come and pray to St. Rita!


Come and join us, Saint Rita is constantly listening to us. Let's remain patient and invoke her day after day, she will always intercede for us!

Illness, hardship and difficulties of all kinds afflict many individuals and families at all times, especially in this day and age...
Our Heavenly Father chose Saint Rita among the Heavenly Saints to be the support and comfort of those who suffer on earth.
Saint Rita is the saint of desperate causes. She is invoked daily by thousands of faithful when human means no longer allow them to find a solution to their misfortune, suffering and distress.
Come and pray, with confidence, to this great Saint in order to entrust her with your trials and to regain courage.

NB:  We suggest that you choose to start this novena on the 14th of May, as 9 days later is the feast day of St. Rita (22nd of May).

The programme:

  • 1st day: Saint Rita, advocate of the hopeless and impossible cases,
  • 2nd day: Saint Rita, great affection for the poor, 
  • 3rd day: Saint Rita, martyr in penitence,
  • 4th day: Saint Rita, model of Christian spouses and mothers,
  • 5th day: Saint Rita, generous in forgiving,
  • 6th day: Saint Rita, exemplary as a widow,
  • 7th day: Saint Rita, heroic in sacrifice,
  • 8th day: Saint Rita, pierced with Christ's thorn,
  • 9th day: Saint Rita, lavish in granting favours.

The life of Saint Rita

Saint Rita, the patroness of impossible causes and hopeless circumstances, lived from 1381 to 1457.

Five centuries later, her life continues to inspire millions of people around the world. A life where mystical phenomena and the simplicity of everyday life coexist, a life full of great suffering but lived in the joy of ‘loving without counting'.

From an early age, Rita was already all turned to God. Married in obedience to her parents to a harsh man, she overcame the initial difficulties of her marriage with her gentleness and patience. She lived 18 years of happiness with the man with whom she would have two children. She was 36 years old when he was treacherously murdered. Some time later, she lost her two children. 

She joined the nuns of the monastery and immersed herself in an intense life of prayer. Her intimate union with the crucified Christ was manifested by the stigma of the thorn. She welcomes all those who come to ask for her help and prayer.

The whole life of Saint Rita breathes the love of God and the total trust in his Providence.

Shortly before her death, Rita asked her cousin to pick her a rose. Although in the middle of winter the relative found the rose. This episode is at the origin of the image where we see St. Rita spread roses, a symbol of the graces she gets for those who trust in the intercession of ‘the saint of the hopeless and impossible cases'.

Saint Rita is like a big sister in the faith who, closer to God than us, supports our prayer, our supplications, our thanks.

How to pray

Every day you will receive:

  • A verse from the bible

  • The prayer of the day to Saint Rita 

  • You can also add the following indulgenced prayer to Saint Rita:

O glorious Saint Rita, thou who didst share in a marvelous manner the sorrowful passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, obtain for me the grace to suffer in patience the miseries of this life and be my refuge in all my necessities. - (indulgence of 300 days, once a day, Pius X, August 11th, 1906)

  • You may also pray to Saint Rita with your own words: she hears the cry from the heart of those who love her and put their trust in her.

Try to confess your sins during this novena.  Jesus says: "Do not be afraid, I love you. Give me the joy to forgive you in the sacrament of confession/reconciliation. Ask my priest to guide you". [For serious sins we recommend you to unburden yourself in Confession (until you find/contact a priest, you can confess in your heart)]. 

To register, it's easy:  click on the JOIN button at the top right (or top).

Let's pray this beautiful novena! 

God bless.

Leave your prayer intention here!

Novena prayer

Prayer to Holy Rita

O blessed Holy Rita, you who always did put your trust in God, you who have been able to love and forgive in the name of Christ , by letting you be guided every day by the light of the Holy Ghost, listen to the prayer we present you humbly and with confidence. Intercede with God Almighty and merciful. May He grant us peace of heart, that we may, like you, be living in faith and love never loosing hope. So, we may be able to reach one day, with you and all the saints, the communion eternal joy with the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen.