Novena for Peace of Mind

Join us in prayer to ease your anxiety as we entrust our worries to God. We rely on the Lord, our shelter against all the storms of life.


What is the purpose of this community of prayer?

The purpose is to find peace of mind and heart by putting our trust in God through prayer, meditation, and abandoning ourselves to the Lord. We will encourage you throughout this Novena and lift each one of you in prayer. 

"What if....?"

Many of us suffer from worry, anxiety, and fear. These negative feelings can easily overwhelm us, up to the point where we begin struggling with our faith. 

Indeed, there are so many reasons to develop fear and worry today. Wars, violence, crime, natural disasters, unemployment, illness, future uncertainty... The list goes on. 

We keep asking ourselves "What if?" while imagining the worst outcomes; living under the weight of this uncertainty eventually takes its toll on both our physical and mental health. 

While there is no way to know what future will hold, we do have a powerful weapon against fear: trusting in God who loves us. Jesus came to save us, to set us free from all of our enemies. Putting our trust in God, we can gradually overcome all negative thoughts we're constantly fighting. No, it's not a miraculous cure, but God can work wonders in hearts that believe in His power. 

Every day, for the duration of the Novena, you'll receive:

  • A Bible verse to fight fear and anxiety.
  • A prayer.
  • A short meditation. 

if you are suffering from depression and/or anxiety, and/or having suicidal thoughts, please seek professional help. Prayer does help and accomplishes miracles, but no one in their right mind would tell a cancer patient to "just pray their cancer away." The same applies to mental illnesses. Emergency international resources can be found here and here.  

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Click here to leave your prayer intention.

Photo by Gorjan Ivanovski on Unsplash. 

Novena prayer

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary for Peace of Mind

Kneeling at your feet, sweet Mother of God and Queen of Peace, I, your loving child, confidently turn to you in my need, seeking your intercession for peace of mind and comfort to my troubled heart. (Mention your petition here.) O listen to me, dear heavenly mother. Come to my aid and refuse me not as I cry to you. For you are my mother, and you fail no one who has recourse to you, O Consoler of the afflicted, O Queen of Peace. Amen.