Teacher's Prayer

The beginning of the school year is also the beginning of a new adventure, every year, for teachers, educators, professors, and principals… Caring for children, educating them, making them grow in knowledge and wisdom is a wonderful and difficult task. Teachers can sometimes feel alone and deprived. And yet God is counting on them. Through them, he could touch the hearts of many children and set many young souls ablaze. With Pius XII, let us ask the Holy Spirit to keep this beautiful vocation alive and strong and with Saint John Baptist de la Salle, patron saint of educators, let us ask God to help them throughout the school year!


Prayer by the Master of Pius XII

"O Incarnate Word, Master of masters, our most loving Jesus, who deigned to come into this world to show men, in your infinite wisdom and inexhaustible goodness, the way to heaven, listen with kindness to the humble supplications of those who, following in your footsteps, want to be Catholic masters worthy of the name, by showing souls the assured paths that lead to you and, through you, to eternal happiness.

Grant us light, not only to avoid the traps and pitfalls of error, but also to penetrate the truth until we obtain this luminous clarity, by which what is most essential becomes the simplest, and therefore the most adapted to the intelligences of the little ones themselves, in whom especially is reflected your divine simplicity; visit us by the help of your creative Spirit, so that we can teach the doctrine of the faith appropriately, when we receive the mandate.

Give us the virtue to adapt ourselves to the not yet matured spirit of our disciples, to help their beautiful and fresh energies, to understand their faults, to endure their agitation; to make ourselves small without leaving the pulpit of our duty, to your imitation, O Lord, who you made as one of us, without leaving the high throne of your divinity.

But, above all, fill us with your Spirit of love: love for you, only and good Master, that we may sacrifice ourselves to your holy service; love of our profession, that we may consider it as a very noble vocation and not as a vulgar employment; love of our sanctification, as the main source of our work and our apostolate; love of the truth, that we may never depart from it deliberately; love of souls that we must mold and shape for the true and the good; love of our students to make them exemplary citizens and faithful sons of the Church, of our dearest children and young people, in the true feeling of a higher, more conscious and purer fatherhood than that which is purely natural.

And you, most holy Mother, O Mary, under the loving gaze of whom Jesus, an adolescent, grew in wisdom and grace, intercede for us with your divine Son, and obtain for us the abundance of heavenly graces, so that our action may turn to the honor and glory of Him who, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns throughout the centuries. Amen.”

Pius XII

Praying to Saint Jean-Baptiste de la Salle, patron saint of teachers

Saint Jean-Baptiste de la Salle was a priest in the 17th century. An avant-garde pedagogue, he put his heart into the education of poor children.

Teachers can therefore also entrust their work and their students to their patron saint. He knew all the challenges of this job so important, so beautiful and so difficult. Teachers, tutors and professors can therefore entrust him with the difficulties they encounter, the sorrows and the joys they go through.

With Hozana, have a great year with the Lord!

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to radiate throughout the year of his love, and be filled with strength and patience.

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