From 1961 to 1965, in the village of Garabandal in Spain, four young girls experienced numerous apparitions of the Holy Virgin. Large crowds could freely witness their extraordinary ecstasies. The apparitions, more than 2000, occurred at all hours of the day and night and in various places. Apart from the many words exchanged with the Virgin, the girls received only two messages to transmit to the world, given through the intermediary of the Archangel Saint Michael. The apparitions of Garabandal appear to be a continuation of those of Fatima and precede those of Medjugorje.
On June 18, 1961, in San Sebastian de Garabandal (a small village in the Spanish Pyrenees), four girls saw an angel. It was during a mountain walk that Mari Loli Mazon, Conchita Gonzalez, Jacinta Gonzalez, and Mari Cruz Gonzalez, aged 11 to 13, saw for the first time the Archangel Saint Michael. He appeared to them in silence several times until July 1, when he announced the coming of the Virgin Mary the next day. This first apparition of the Holy Virgin was followed by more than 2000 visits between 1961 and 1965. Our Lady is often accompanied by the Child Jesus. The Virgin presents herself as Our Lady of Mount Carmel, dressed in a white robe, a brown scapular, a blue mantle, and a crown of twelve stars. From the beginning of the apparitions, Our Lady teaches the girls to pray the rosary well, encourages them to make sacrifices, and to visit the Holy Sacrament often. During the apparitions, everyone (villagers, pilgrims, priests, doctors, and scientists) could freely examine the girls in ecstasy and observe with astonishment their inexplicable behavior. During their “ecstatic walks,” the young girls moved forward or backward, their eyes fixed on the sky, avoiding all obstacles. During the ecstasies, they became as hard as stone, impossible to move, and if one tried to prick or burn them, they felt nothing, and no marks were left on their bodies. The crowds of pilgrims (500 to 3000 per day) began to entrust the girls with religious objects for the Virgin to bless. Although everything was placed haphazardly in baskets, the visionaries, constantly holding a crucifix in their hands, returned each object to its owner without ever making a mistake. The girls received holy communion several times from the hands of the angel. On July 18, 1962, the host was visible to all on Conchita's tongue, a Eucharistic miracle that had been announced by the Virgin 15 days in advance. After January 20, 1963, only Conchita continued to have ecstasies. The last apparition took place at the Pines (on the heights of Garabandal) on November 13, 1965, and the Virgin's last words were: “Speak to me of my children on earth. I love them so much. I keep them under my mantle.”
The apparitions of the Virgin at Garabandal are characterized by Mary's loving behavior, delivering a simple and loving message. Many graces of conversion and healing have been reported since the beginning of the apparitions at Garabandal and through the objects blessed by the Virgin and distributed to pilgrims.
The apparitions of the Virgin at Garabandal took place precisely from the opening of Vatican II to its closure. In 1967, at the end of the first investigations, the local bishop stated that there had been no apparitions. Until 1988, this position remained unchanged. At that time, the bishop opened a new investigation, which this time established a “non-constat de supernaturalitate,” meaning that the Church affirms that it is not in a position to make a definitive pronouncement. This position of the Church, which was favored by Cardinal Ratzinger (future Pope Benedict XVI), is maintained to this day. Several figures of holiness in the Church have expressed their very favorable opinion of the apparitions of Garabandal: Padre Pio, who communicated by letter with the visionaries, and Mother Teresa, who became a close friend of Conchita.
October 18, 1961, message given by the angel
“We must make many sacrifices, do much penance, and visit the Holy Sacrament frequently. But above all, we must lead a good life. If we do not, a punishment will come upon us. The cup is filling, and if we do not change, a very great punishment will come upon us.”
June 18, 1965, second and final message given by the Angel
“Since my message of October 18, 1961, has not been heeded nor made known to the world, I am telling you that this is the last one. Before, the cup was filling; now, it is overflowing. Many cardinals, bishops, and priests are on the path to perdition and are taking many souls with them. Less and less importance is being given to the Eucharist. You must avoid the wrath of God upon you with your efforts. If you ask Him for forgiveness with a sincere heart, He will forgive you. I, your Mother, through the intercession of the Angel Saint Michael, beg you to amend your lives. You are already in the final warnings! I love you very much, and I do not want your condemnation. Ask us sincerely, and we will grant it to you. You must sacrifice more. Think of the Passion of Jesus.”
At Garabandal, the Holy Virgin announced three great events that are still to come: the warning, followed by the great miracle, and then a terrible conditional punishment depending on humanity's response to the divine warnings. The four girls received many details about these events, which they were allowed to see, but they are not permitted to reveal the date or nature of these events. However, they have shared everything they were allowed to say:
The Virgin first spoke of the warning to Jacinta and Mari Loli on June 19 and 20, 1962. Conchita learned of it on January 1, 1965. She wrote it down in pencil on a simple sheet of paper and gave it to Father Laffineur, a Dominican and tireless apostle of Garabandal, on June 19, 1965: “The Holy Virgin told me that the warning would be given before the miracle, so that the world could amend itself. The warning, like the punishment also announced, is something very dreadful for both the good and the wicked. It will bring the good closer to God and will warn the wicked that we are approaching the end of a time and that these warnings are the last. No one can prevent it from happening. It is certain; but I do not know the date or the day. What the warning consists of, I cannot reveal. The Virgin did not tell me to say it. Nor anything more. God wants that, thanks to this warning, we amend ourselves and commit fewer sins against Him.”
In October 1961, the Virgin Mary announced to Conchita the coming of a great miracle, which would occur less than a year after the warning. She showed it to her, and shortly after to the other three girls. Conchita said it would take place on a Thursday, at 8:30 PM, and would last a quarter of an hour. At the end, a sign would remain visible until the end of time at the place of the “Pines” in Garabandal. The miracle would coincide with a great event in the Church. The sick present would be healed, sinners would convert, and unbelievers would believe. Conchita knows the date of the miracle and must announce it to the world eight days in advance.
The punishment is conditional on humanity's response to the warning and the great miracle. If the world does not convert, God will send a great punishment upon the world. The four girls had a vision of the punishment during the “nights of screams,” on June 19-21, 1962. They were so frightened by their visions that during these two nights, the entire village heard their screams and cries. The next day, the villagers, deeply shaken, all went to confession.