The Flogging is the second sorrowful mystery designated by the Church since the origin of the rosary. We can use it to meditate on the lives of Christ and Mary through the most striking episodes. The second sorrowful mystery invites us to remember the continuation of Christ's passion, which began on the evening of Holy Thursday with the agony in the garden of olive trees.
The four evangelists recounted the passion of Jesus in varying levels of detail. Three of them give us what they know about what Christ endured to save us at the time of the whipping.
“So Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged.” (John 19:1)
“Pilate was willing to release Jesus, so he released Barabbas to them. He had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified.” (Mark 15:15)
“Then he released Barabbas to them. But he had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified.” (Matthew 27:26)
The second sorrowful mystery is meditated on with the agony of Jesus in the garden of olive trees, the crowning of thorns, the bearing of the cross, and the crucifixion. These mysteries are recited on Friday because it is the day when Christ died to save us.
The fruit of the mystery is the mortification of the body. Jesus suffered physically until his crucifixion. He invites us to offer our physical sufferings for a greater good: our conversion, the conversion of sinners, and the dead. During this decade, we can therefore entrust a particular intention for the Virgin to intercede with her Son.
“Only a God who loves us to the point of taking upon himself our wounds and our suffering, especially the suffering of the innocent, is worthy of faith. The Lord carried his wounds with him into eternity. He is a wounded God; he allowed himself to be wounded out of love for us. The wounds are for us a sign that he understands us and allows himself to be wounded out of love for us. Just as we can also touch his wounds in the history of our time! Indeed, he allows himself to be wounded again and again for us. What a testimony of his mercy and what comfort these are for us! And how much of a duty they represent for us to allow ourselves to be wounded in turn for him!” (Benedict XVI)
“In order to restore fullness of life to man, the Son of God annihilated Himself in the most humiliating manner... it is an exceptional testimony of love that went as far as the ultimate self-sacrifice.“ (John Paul II)
“God does not ask for the martyrdom of our bodies, He only asks for the martyrdom of the heart and will.” (Saint Curé d’Ars)
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