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The Calendar of Saints - January and February

The Calendar of Saints - January and February

January Calendar of Saints

January 1: Saint Mary Mother of God (find beautiful Marian prayers to recite that day)

2 January: Holy Basil the Great and Saint Gregory of Nazianzus (first names: Basil, Gregory, Stéphanie)

3 January: Saint Genevieve 

4 January: Saint Angela of Foligno 

5 January: Saint John Nepomucene Neumann (first names: Edward, Emilienne)

6 January: This is the day of the Epiphany of the Lord. (first names: Balthazar, Gaspard, Melchior, Fanny, Epiphane, Réal and Théophane)

7 January: Saint Raymond de Penyafort (first names: Aldric, Raymond)

8 January: Saint Lucien de Beauvais (first names: Gudule, Lucien)

9 January: Blessed Alix Le Clerc. Alice, Alix, Pauline)

10 January: Saint Gregory of Nyssa. (first names: Gonzague, Guillaume, Léonie)

11 January: Saint Paulinus of Aquileia (first names: Hortense, Paulinus)

12 January: Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys (first names: Marguerite, Tanina, Tatiana)

13 January: Saint Hilary de Poitiers (first names: Godfrey, Hilary, Jutte, Yvette )

14 January: Saint Felix of Nole (first names: Nino, Odoric)

15 January: Saint Remi (first names: Ita, Maur, Rachel, Remi)

16 January: Saint Honorat de Lérins and Saint Venance (first names: Berard, Marcel, Othon)

17 January: Saint Anthony the Great (first names: Jolaine, Roseline, Yolaine)

18 January: Saint Margaret of Hungary (first names: Priscilla, Prisque)

19 January: Saint Henry (first names: Marius, Martha, Pia)

20 January: Saint Sebastian (first names: Fabien, Sébastien)

21 January: Saint Agnes (first names: Agnes, Epiphane, Oona, Safia)

22 January: Saint Vincent (first names: Laura, Timothy, Valery, Vincent)

23 January: Saint Barnard (first names: Barnard, Emérentienne, Laouénan)

24 January: Saint Francis de Sales (first names: Francis, Paul)

25 January: The conversion of Saint Paul (first names: Ananie, Apollos)

January 26: Saint Titus and Saint Timothy (first names: Albéric, Paule, Pauline, Timothy, Titus)

27 January: Saint Angela Merici (first names: Angela, Julian)

28 January: Saint Thomas Aquinas (first names: Charlemagne, Thomas)

29 January: Saint Gildas (first names: Gildas)

30 January: Saint Bathilde (first names: Bathilde, Bertille, Martina)

31 January: Saint John Bosco (first names: Marcella, Marcelle, Tobias)

February Calendar of Saints

1 February: Saint Brigitte de Kildare (first names:
  Ella, Luigi, Sever, Sigbert, Sigisbert, Viridiana)

2 February: Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

3 February: Saint Blaise (first names: Anschaire, Blaise, Claudia, Hadelin, Marguerite)

4 February: Saint Veronica or Berenice (first names: Berenice, Vanessa, Veronica)

5 February: Saint Philip of Jesus (first names: Agathe, Avit)

6 February: Saint Paul Miki (first names: Dorothy, Gaston, Hiba, Xenia)

7 February: Blessed Eugénie Smet (first names: Audren, Eugénie, Providence)

8 February: Saint Jerome Emilian (first names: Bakhita, Jacqueline, Josephine, Zacharie)

9 February: Saint Miguel Cordero (first names: Apolline, Maron, Miguel, Prime, Télio, Thélio, Tilio, Tylan, Tyliann)

10 February: Saint Scholastica (first names: Alois, Aloys, Arnaud, Scholastica)

11 February: Notre-Dame de Lourdes (first names: Ehouarn, Héloïse, Sotère, Théodora)

12 February: Saint Eulalie

13 February: Blessed Jordan of Saxony

14 February: Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius

source: website of the Conference of Bishops of France and

Association Hozana - 8 rue du Palais de Justice, 69005 Lyon

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