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Saint Apollonia

Saint Apollonia

Saint Apollonia was born in Alexandria and is a Christian martyr. A consecrated virgin, she is the patron saint of dentists andcelebrated on February 9th. Very little is known about Saint Apollonia. Her life before her martyrdom is not recounted in the hagiographies. However, the account of her martyrdom is detailed in a letter from Denis, the bishopof Alexandria, sent to Fabian, the bishopof Antioch. Her resilience in the face of death and her tenacity against her persecutors are admirable. She chose to die rather than renounce Christ. Her sanctity serves as an example for every Christian.


Biography of Saint Apollonia

In 250, the emperor of Alexandria, Decius, promulgated a decree obliging all inhabitants to offer sacrifices to the pagan gods for the prosperity of the Empire, under penalty of death. This edict marked the beginning of a new period of persecutions against the Christians. Indeed, the pagans could, without any risk of reprisals, expel Catholics and massacre them. The authorities approved of these initiatives. It was in this context that one day, an old man named Metras was beaten for refusing to blaspheme the name of the Lord. After being tortured, he was stoned. This was followed by the martyrdom of a Christian woman named Quinta, who also refused to show her faith to the pagan gods. She was stoned in the same place as Metras. Apollonia was the third victim of their murderous madness. Brave, she did not deny her faith, despite the fear of death. The pagans shattered her jaw and pulled out her teeth. Finally, they placed her in front of a pyre, threatening to throw her in if she did not repeat the insults to Christ that they dictated to her. She apologized for not being able to satisfy them and threw herself into the fire.



Praying with Saint Apollonia

Prayer to Saint Apollonia against toothache

Holy Apollonia! Who, through your martyrdom, have deserved the power to relieve and heal all ills concerning the mouth (teeth, gums, jaws), be blessed, praised and glorified. May, through your intercession before the miserable heart of Jesus (name of the sick person), be promptly relieved and healed. Amen.”


Repeat this prayer 4 times by making 4 signs of the cross on the lips of the sick person.

Recite an Our Father.


Prayer to Saint Apollonia against pain

Saint Apollonia, beautiful and divine, sitting at the foot of a tree, on the white marble stone. Jesus Our Savior, passing by happily, said to her, "Apollonia, what troubles you?" I am here, Divine Master, not in sorrow but in pain: I am here for my head, for my blood, and for my toothache. Jesus said to her: "Apollonia, have faith: on my word, O evil turn away! If it's a drop of blood, it will dry up. If it's a worm, it will die instantly."


Recite 5 Our Fathers

Recite 5 Hail Mary's

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