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Saint Martín de Porres

Saint Martín de Porres

Known as Fray Balai or also Martín de la Charité, Saint Martín de Porres was born on December 9, 1579 in Lima, Peru. A monk and a member of the Dominicans (refer to Saint Dominic), he took his religious vows there, having initially joined as a humble member of the Third Order, following the guidance of Fray Juan de Lorenzana, a distinguished Dominican theologian. Passing away in 1639, at the age of 59, Martín de Porres was beatified in 1837 by Gregory XVI, and subsequently canonized on May 6, 1962 by John XXIII.

During his canonization homily, John XXIII said of Martín: “Saint Martín, always obedient and inspired by his divine Master, resided among his brethren with profound love stemming from pure faith and humility of heart. He cherished mankind, viewing them as God's children, and as his own kin. His humility was such that he held others in higher regard than himself, deeming them to possess greater virtue... He pardoned the transgressions of others. He absolved the harshest insults, firmly convinced that he deserved more severe retribution due to his own transgressions. He endeavored with utmost determination to redeem the culpable; he compassionately comforted the infirm; he supplied remedies, sustenance, attire to the indigent; he assisted to the best of his ability the tillers of the land and the African slaves, not neglecting the mulattoes, who were then viewed no differently than as slaves...”

Today, the Church celebrates Saint Mart;in de Porres every year on November 3. So, Let's meet Saint Martín de Porres: let's discover his life, his influence and what he can still tell us today. At the end of this article on Saint Martín de Porres, we also invite you to discover other figures of holiness in the Guide to Saints on Hozana.

Biography of Saint Martín de Porres

Saint Martín de Porres, a servant in the image of Christ

Saint Martín de Porres could be described as a servant in the image of Christ. When he entered the Dominican Order at the age of sixteen, he requested to join as a member of the Third Order to carry out the most humble tasks. The duties of the clergyman include sweeping the cloister and corridors, cleaning the toilets, doing the laundry, and serving as a barber for his brethren. Concerning cleaning, it will be noted in particular that the broom will be his great companion alongside the Cross. This is why Saint Martín de Porres is also known as Fray Broom. Additionally, as a servant, he was tasked with attending to the sick in the infirmary. All of these responsibilities were carried out with humility and joy. An anecdote tells of a moment when, despite being treated harshly by a patient, Brother Martin responded: “I have to take better care of him, because he knows me better than the others.” His manner of service made Martín the Patron Saint of the Cooperating Dominican Brothers, hairdressers, cleaning staff, nurses, and pharmacists.

Saint Martín de Porres, a contemplater

In addition to his duties in the monastery, Brother Martín managed to spend long hours praying, especially before the Blessed Sacrament. In addition, during his periods of rest, he devoted a significant amount of time to venerating the Virgin Mary. In addition, he also had a real concern for the souls in Purgatory and fasted frequently.

Saint Martín de Porres, a man close to others

Despite the entirety of his time devoted to serving in the Monastery and to prayer, Martín de Porres demonstrated a remarkable closeness to others, be they children, the underprivileged, or novices. Beyond the walls of the Lima convent lay a significant number of orphans. Moved by this plight, Martín dedicated himself to establishing the Holy Cross orphanage with the purpose of providing shelter and education to these children. Driven by his profound faith, he did not hesitate to seek support from influential individuals to assist in financing this endeavor. In addition to his care for the orphans, Martín collected unconsumed food from the convent after meals to distribute to those in need. Lastly, he fostered relationships of kindness and charity with the novices who embarked on their journey within the convent.

The miracles of Saint Martín de Porres

In addition to the miracles ascribed to him, Martín possessed several gifts, related to bilocation and animals. Martín de Porres and bilocation With a strong commitment to evangelize in China and Japan, he never had the opportunity. Nonetheless, several witnesses sighted him in these two countries, instructing children. Moreover, a Christian, who had been imprisoned and later released, went to the Lima Monastery to inform the Dominican friars that Martín had provided him with food during his prison visit. Subsequently, it is also documented that one night, Martín went to the Lima hospital to aid a dying Indian. Martín summoned a hospital chaplain to baptize the Indian, who was not previously baptized, and who then passed away. Remarkably, Brother Martín managed to return to the Dominican convent even though the doors were locked. Martín de Porres and animals In addition to bilocation, Brother Martín had a particularly close bond with animals. He had the extraordinary ability to miraculously heal animals, specifically dogs. Furthermore, he communicated with animals. An account tells of a scenario where the Dominican brothers witnessed mice emerging from the convent holes after Martín asked them to leave in order to prevent soiling the linens and consuming the food supplies.

What can Saint Martín de Porres bring us today?

Service as a way to be holy

As baptized, we are kings, in addition to being priests and prophets. The royal duty consists in serving our brothers and sisters. Saint Martín de Porres, through his humility in service, can help us rediscover the importance of service, following the example of Christ the servant. Each day and throughout our lives, we may contemplate how we can serve others, whether through daily tasks or through spiritual and corporal works of mercy. Saint Martín demonstrated in his life that service in the likeness of Christ the servant is an effective means to achieve holiness.


Saint Martín de Porres can teach us how to cultivate patience. Indeed, the law initially prevented him from becoming a monk due to his race and color. Initially, he therefore served the Dominicans as a member of the Third Order. It was only many years later, in 1603, that this situation finally changed for him, allowing him to formally make his Religious Profession as a cooperating brother (meaning not a priest), all thanks to his testimony marked by humility, obedience, and service to others. Father Fernando Aragonés will speak of him: “He practiced charity day and night, healing the sick, and giving alms to the Spanish, Indians and blacks. He cared for and healed everyone with a singular love.” After having made his profession, he continued his duties, as before, in obeisance.


A true man of contemplation, prayer and worship, Martín can clearly help us develop piety. He acquired it in his childhood, when every day he went to church to serve Mass. After his work, he was said to be praying and reading pious works in his room.

To deepen your knowledge of Saint Martín de Porres

Some books

Below are two books that can allow you to deepen your knowledge:

 Jacques Ambec, Saint Martín de Porres in the service of compassion, Éditions Tequi

Giulliana Cavallini, The “Fioretti” of Saint Martín de Porres, Apostle of Charity, Éditions du Cerf 

Pray with Saint Martín de Porres

Here are two beautiful prayers to Saint Martín de Porres.

O Saint-Martín de Porres, my brother, please receive me! During my sorrows and tribulations, offer me solace! Amidst my dangers and adversities, come to my aid! Throughout my weaknesses and temptations, safeguard me! In times of affection and illnesses, come to my assistance! Grant me good health, should it be in my best interest, and release me from any affliction of body or soul! Amen. O compassionate and kind-hearted brother, listen to my plea! In the depths of my poverty, provide me with solace! In the face of misfortune, rescue me! When I am overwhelmed and disheartened, shield me with your protection! Now and forever, through your guidance, help me embrace my daily challenges, and lead me towards Divine Grace and the splendor of Heaven! Amen.


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