The Sorrowful Mysteries are part of the twenty mysteries (the Joyful Mysteries, the Luminous Mysteries, and the Glorious Mysteries) upon which we meditate when praying the Rosary. By meditating upon these mysteries with a chaplet, we enter the most difficult moments of the life of Jesus: the Passion. From the Agony in the Garden to His death on the Cross, we discover the strength of His love for mankind as well as the keys to salvation that He has offered each of us.
The Sorrowful Mysteries make up an entire chaplet prayer when recited all together (each of the 5 Mysteries form 1 decade). The Sorrowful Mysteries are usually said on Tuesdays and Fridays. Friday is usually associated with the Passion of Christ in memory of Good Friday. During Lent it can also be prayed on a Sunday.
For each Mystery,
We are invited to read the passage of the Gospel associated with it.
Then we recite one Our Father, 10 Hail Marys and 1 Glory Be while meditating upon the fruit of the Mystery and eventually associating a prayer intention for the sick or for the current challenges that we are facing.
“He said : 'Abba, Father, all things are possible to you. Take this cup away from me, but not what I will but what You will.'” (Mark : 36)
the fruit of the mystery : regret for our sins. Jesus offered Himself up on the Cross for our salvation and to buy back our sins. Despite His anguish, He obeyed the will of the Father and therefore bought back our disobedience from original sin that weighs upon us.
We can begin the decade by saying : “Jesus, in agony in the Garden and in obedience to the Father, we praise You, we bless You and we adore You”.
We can also add this to the Hail Mary : “And Jesus, the fruit of your womb who agonised in the Garden is blessed.”
We can finish the decade with : “Because of Jesus’ agony, make my soul contrite and in accordance with God’s will”.
“So Pilate, wishing to satisfy the crowd, released Barabbas to them and, after he had Jesus scourged, handed him over to be crucified.” (Mark 15:15)
the fruit of the mystery : control of our senses. We are invited to see what causes us to sin. Be careful in what we listen to, in what we see, and our human desires.
We can begin the decade by saying : “Jesus who was cruelly scourged for our sins of impurity, we praise You, we bless You and we adore You.”
Add to the Hail Mary : “And Jesus the fruit of your womb, who was cruelly scourged, is blessed.”
Finish the decade with : “Because of the scourging of Jesus, mortify my soul.”
“And the soldiers wove a crown out of thorns and placed it on his head, and clothed him in a purple cloak.” (John 19 : 2)
the fruit of the mystery : humility and the forgiveness for our sins of pride. Since our senses can lead us to sin, our mind can also. Pride is the root of all evil for humanity and Jesus took this upon Himself by being crowned with thorns.
We can begin the decade by saying: “Jesus, crowned with thorns, we praise You, we bless You and we adore You.”
Add to the Hail Mary : “And Jesus the fruit of your womb, crowned with thorns is blessed.”
Finish the decade with : “Because of the crowning of thorns, make my soul the opposite of this world.”
“..and carrying the cross himself, he went out to what is called the Place of the Skull, in Hebrew, Golgotha.” (John 19 : 17)
the fruit of the mystery : patience during trying times. Jesus suffered and endured this test and so let us during our times of suffering and trials find Jesus who is carrying our cross with us. May our cross not distance us from Him.
We can begin the decade by saying: “Jesus, who carried His cross and walked to Golgotha, we praise You, we bless You and we adore You.”
Add to the Hail Mary : “And Jesus the fruit of your womb, who carried His cross to Golgotha is blessed.”
Finish the decade with : “Because of the carrying of the cross, make my soul patient.”
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“And about three o’clock Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” which means, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” But Jesus cried out again in a loud voice, and gave up his spirit.” (Matthew 27/ 46, 50)
the fruit of the mystery: Thirst for the salvation of souls. Because of Jesus, the Cross is no longer a symbol of condemnation and sufferance but a symbol of joy to be saved.
We can begin the decade by saying: “Jesus who has been nailed to the Cross and died, we praise You, we bless You, and we adore You.”
Add to the Hail Mary : “And Jesus the fruit of your womb, who has been nailed to the Cross and died is blessed.”
Finish the decade with : “Because of the death and passion of Jesus Christ, make my soul truly holy.”
“O God I Love you,
not simply to be saved,
and not because those who fail in love to you
will be punished with eternal fire.
You, you, my Jesus, have all-embraced me on the cross.
You have borne the nails, the lance, much ignominy,
numberless griefs, sweatings and anguish, and death,
and these on account of me and for me, a sinner.
Why, therefore, should I not love you,
O, most loving Jesus?
Not that in heaven you shall save me,
nor lest for eternity you shall condemn me;
not with the hope of any reward,
but as you have loved me, so also will I love you,
only because you are my King,
and because you are my God. Amen.”
Each day, pray
and receive many graces !Become closer to Christ and
. by praying this novena.