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Patron Saint of Lost Causes

Patron Saint of Lost Causes

Three Saints to Pray to for Lost Causes

Are you in a difficult situation? Feeling like you’re at a dead end? Whether it is a material, relational, health or emotional problem, God remains attentive to His children. Prayer has great strength and the saints - through the communion of the saints - can intercede effectively for us. Among all the saints, there are three who are particularly known for resolving very difficult situations: Saint Jude Thaddeus, Saint Rita of Cascia, and Saint Anthony of Padua. Find out when and how to pray to them!   

Saint Jude, patron of lost causes

Who is Saint Jude?

Saint Jude Thaddeus is one of the twelve apostles of Jesus. He and the apostle James are Jesus' cousins. Since the Middle Ages, the intercessions of Saint Jude have been recognized as remarkable, almost miraculous. He is called “the apostle of desperate causes”. It was Saint Gertrude who brought him out of obscurity and prayed to him fervently, later, Saint Bernard of Clairvaux always traveled with a relic of the Holy Apostle. In a moment of grave necessity, Jesus designated his Apostle Jude to Saint Brigitte of Sweden as his powerful intercessor and recommended that she call upon his help fervently. The reputation of Saint Jude is now known worldwide. He is the saint of lost and desperate causes, he generously answers all those who pray to him with confidence.

Infallible Prayer to Saint Jude


O glorious apostle Saint Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the Church honors you and invokes you universally as patron of desperate cases. Pray for me, as I am so unhappy. I beseech you from the depths of my heart, use on my behalf the great privilege that you have to bring visible and rapid help to those who invoke you. Come to my aid and relieve my misery. 

Get me the help and grace of God in all my difficulties. Make me one of the chosen and obtain eternal salvation.

I promise you, O Saint Jude, I will always remember the great favor you will grant me. I will always honor you as my boss and protector.

As a token of gratitude, I will do everything in my power to develop your devotion and make you known as the patron of desperate causes. 

Amen. Amen.


Saint Rita, Patron of Desperate Causes

Saint Rita de Cascia is a great Italian mystic saint. She successively went through all the states of life: wife, mother and nun. Many amazing miracles took place during his lifetime, immediately after his death, and to the present day. Her intercession is recognized as very powerful in many situations and trials that she herself went through. She intercedes in particular:

  • To have a child, for it is itself the fruit of the assiduous prayer of its parents.
  • For couples going through a rough patch, because life as a couple can be full of suffering and hardship. Saint Rita is proclaimed the patron of families and couples in difficulty.
  • For the conversion of sinners, for her husband and her sons were converted through her prayers.
  • To be cured, as she herself experienced illness and suffering.

Rita answered so many prayers and performed so many miracles that she became the saint of the impossible.

Saint Anthony, Patron of Lost Causes

Saint Anthony of Padua is a very revered saint, well known for answering all the prayers to him. His life was marked by a profusion of miracles, including after his death. Even the procession that accompanied his body received a host of healings.

Even today, the novena to Saint Anthony of Padua allows us to lay on him our burdens of suffering and distress so that he may obtain the help of God.

Saint Anthony is known as the saint to pray to for a lost object or a lost person. The prayer to find a lost object, said with faith and trust, is very effective.

Other Saints to Pray to for Lost Causes

Other saints are reputed to be impressively effective.

  • The holy parish priest of Ars systematically sent his faithful to pray to Saint Philomena who had an altar in the parish church, where many graces and healings were obtained.
  • Saint Theresa of Lisieux had promised to spread a shower of roses after her death and to “spend her time in Heaven doing good on Earth”. She kept her promise and many miracles have taken place since her death thanks to her.
  • Comparable to Saint Anthony of Padua for their extraordinary lives full of supernatural acts, Saint Padre Pio and Saint Charbel Makhlouf of Lebanon were great thaumaturges. The testimonies of grace received continue to multiply.  

With Hozana, pray for lost causes

Do you have a heavy prayer intention or are you in an inescapable situation? With Hozana, join a prayer community and lay your burdens at the feet of the Lord. Through the intercession of the saints of desperate causes, no cause is ever lost. By force of prayer, the Lord lets himself be touched!

Association Hozana - 8 rue du Palais de Justice, 69005 Lyon

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