Prayer to St. Rita for a Difficult Marriage

St. Rita of Cascia is known as the Patron Saint of Impossible Causes, but that title doesn’t encompass all of her importance in Christian tradition: believers pray to her to rekindle their love for their partners, or to bring peace and harmony to their couple, like she did in her life. St. Rita aspired to follow Christ and become a nun, but she was forced to marry an abusive man. However, she remained humble and patient, and her husband softened over the years. Are you facing difficulties in your marriage? There are many prayers to St. Rita to help you broaden your perspective, consolidate the love in your couple, and face the challenges of your relationship together.

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A Prayer to Maintain Harmony in Your Marriage

“O glorious St. Rita, 

Help us to remain faithful to God and ourselves: bring your strength to our couple,

Be kind to us, bless our path, for the greater glory of God, and for our happiness. 

Let nothing disturb our harmony, but allow our home to prosper, O St. Rita.

May the holy angels of peace help you protect us from every evil, and every dissent;

May a spirit charity reign over our couple;

May love alone unite our hearts and our souls, which the Blood of Christ washed from iniquities.


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A Prayer for Couples in Difficulty

“St. Rita, you know the troubles of a difficult marriage: for years you suffered from the violent outbursts of your husband, and yet you remained faithful, patient, and kind. 

O St. Rita, you prayed for your husband, and he repented, he returned to the path of righteousness, and he committed to his role as a good spouse and good father. 

St. Rita, watch over the couples who are facing hardships. Obtain for them the strength and courage to live together in peace, love and fidelity. 

St. Rita, patroness of desperate cases, of impossible causes, I trust in your powerful intercession to the Lord. 

Obtain for me to trust and to hope in the Kingdom of God, and the grace of reconciliation for my couple in difficulty. 

St. Rita, pray for us.


Discover other prayers for struggling relationships.

A Prayer to St. Rita for Struggling Wives

“O glorious saint Rita, in obedience to your parents, you accepted to marry, and became a true model of Christian spouses. I offer myself to you today, hoping for your help and protection. For years, you endured unfair treatment in your conjugal life: help me remain faithful to God and to my spouse. 

Protect us, sanctify our work and bless our endeavours, for the greater glory of God and the good of this marriage. May nothing trouble our harmony.

O saint Rita, may prosperity reign in our home; may the angels of peace watch over us; may we resolve every sign of dissent; may charity be a governing force in our hearts; may we never lack the love that unites our souls, which were saved by the most Precious Blood of Christ.

O glorious saint Rita, bring our prayers to the Lord, and pray for us, that my spouse and I may one day be reunited in Heaven to praise the Lord.


Prayer to St. Rita to Conceive a Child

“St. Rita, O holy protector, you are known for obtaining special graces from heaven, turn a benevolent eye on me, as I humbly prostrate before you.

You were twice blessed with the joy of motherhood, and before the birth of your children, you asked God to bless them and allow you to raise them in the Christian faith. 

O St. Rita, obtain for me the grace of motherhood!

I consecrate my future child to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and to His Immaculate Mother; O glorious Rita, grant them your powerful protection.

Most blessed St. Rita, intercede on my behalf to the Lord that His Holy Will may be accomplished in me and my child. 


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