Prayer for Fertility

Praying for your families also means praying for the family you want to create: for some, it can sometimes take longer and be more challenging to conceive than for others. Expecting a child takes more time than nine months in that case. And this long wait can often feel agonizing for a couple that really wants to discover the joy of parenthood. Let’s entrust humbly and with confidence this suffering to Our Heavenly Father, who has helped so many infertile couples, like Sts. Ann and Joachim, the grandparents of Jesus.

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A Prayer to Conceive a Baby

“You know my deep desire for a child, a little one to love and to hold, to care for, to cherish; grant that my body may conceive and give birth to a beautiful, healthy baby in Your holy image. 

Guide me in all my choices so that this conception, my pregnancy and my baby's birth are in line with Your will.

Heavenly Father and Holy Mother, hear this prayer of my heart, mind and spirit.


A Prayer to Our Lady of The Milk for Fertility for Mothers

“Lovely Lady of The Milk, most loving mother of the Child Jesus, and my mother, listen to my humble prayer.

Your motherly heart knows my every wish, my every need.

To you only, His spotless Virgin Mother, has your Divine Son given to understand the sentiments which fill my soul.

Yours was the sacred privilege of being the Mother of the Savior.

Intercede with him now, my loving Mother, that, in accordance with His will, I may become the mother of other children of our heavenly Father.

This I ask, O Lady of The Milk, in the Name of your Divine Son, My Lord and Redeemer.


Pray for Families with Hozana

Hozana helps you grow your faith everyday by offering you to join a wide variety of communities to pray along with your Christian brothers and sisters around the world. 

Join your voices to pray for couples looking to conceive by saying prayer intentions on our website. Pray for the unity and harmony of families with a novena to St. Ann, Mary’s mother: She too knew the struggle of conceiving. Pray for mothers and fathers on Hozana. 

Association Hozana - 8 rue du Palais de Justice, 69005 Lyon

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