Parents' Prayers

When praying, we often pray for our family and friends. What’s more normal than to entrust our loved ones to the Divine Love of God? As a parent, you were blessed with the grace to raise a child. It is a beautiful gift from God, both exhilarating and difficult to manage. But you are not alone: during Baptism, parents are even encouraged to say a parent’s prayer. It can be a prayer of thanksgiving, as well as an opportunity to ask God for guidance in fulfilling your role as a mother or father, accompanying your child in every step of their life. 

Prayer Over Your Child

“O Heavenly Father,

I commend my children unto You. Be their God and Father, and mercifully supply whatever is wanting in me through frailty or negligence. Strengthen them to overcome the corruptions of the world, to resist all solicitations to evil, whether from within or without; and deliver them from the secret snares of the enemy.

Pour Your grace into their hearts, and confirm and multiply in them the gifts of Your Holy Spirit, that they may daily grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ  and so, faithfully serving You here, may come to rejoice in Your presence hereafter.


Consecration of Your Child to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

“Blessed Virgin Mary Queen of Heaven and Earth, to Your Immaculate Heart, the channel of all graces, we consecrate this child, whom we have received from God’s goodness.

We offer (him/her) to You that you may present (him/her) to your Divine Son, that you may take (him/her) under your loving maternal protection, that you may preserve (him/her) from dangers, that you may keep (him/her) from all sin, that you may lead (him/her) to grow in piety and in all virtue so that (he/she) may always be worthy to call himself your child.

May (he/she) grow daily in wisdom and grace, may (he/she) go through life having you always as (his/her) refuge and Mother. May all virtues shine in (him/her) and may (he/she) never offend your maternal Heart.

May the Eternal Father always look upon (him/her) with delight and see in (him/her) a ray and reflection of your Immaculate Beauty. And as today (he/she) gladdens our home, so may (he/she) one day gladden the Eternal Home which we pray will be (his/hers). 


Other Prayers for Parents

As a parent, you must face the many challenges that come with raising children. Let’s pray for the mothers and fathers around the world, that God assists and accompanies them all throughout this beautiful journey. 

Learn to turn to the Heavenly Father to pray for your children (by reciting a mother’s prayer and a father’s prayer), or pray along with them: say morning family prayers to entrust your day to the Lord, and pray together with your family in the evening to thank God for your day. 

You can also pray for the intervention of great saints, who are waiting to intercede on your behalf and on your children’s.

  • Pray to St. Anthony of Padua to bless and protect your family.

  • Pray to St. Expedite to entrust young scholars and students to the saints, especially during exams.

You can also support spiritually couples looking to get pregnant by saying prayers for fertility and conception.

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, and entrust children, mothers, fathers and grandparents to the Virgin Mary’s mother.

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