St. Expedite is the Patron saint for students and youth and therefore the privileged advocate during exams. We can pray to him during this stressful time. St Expedite will help us to ask the Lord for strength, intelligence and the concentration needed to correctly prepare and then pass our exams.
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“Lord, ineffable creator, source of light and wisdom, please grant me, with the help of your saint martyr Saint Expedite, the urgent grace I ask of you today.
Shine your clarity on my intelligence, drive away the dark troubles of sin and ignorance.
Grant me the clairvoyance to understand, the capacity to retain, the work method and the facility to learn and the ease to speak."
“Oh Saint Expedite, patron of students,
I, full of confidence in your faithful intervention,
Ask for the grace to pass this dreaded test.
I believe I have applied myself in my studies to the best of my ability
But I also know that only the good Lord gives all things to those he loves.
And so, Saint Expedite, I ask for your assistance, intercede for me to the Lord
That He see fit to answer my prayers and also that he grant me the grace to be able,
For the rest of my life, to serve Him with as much love as you served Him yourself.”
St. Expedite is known for having maintained a clear mind and a strong spirit during delicate situations. We pray to him in order to reap the benefits of his good judgement with the hopes of a happy ending especially in times of conflict. His death at a young age has made him the Patron Saint of Youth and therefore the one we pray to during exams:
school exams
drivers license
The miraculous prayer of Saint Expedite is an important prayer in the devotion of this saint and can be recited for any urgent situation.
You can also recite a novena in order to offer your work and your studies at the foot of the cross of Christ and to rely on Him during the intense times of exams. A novena is a prayer recited for nine consecutive days.
by praying this novena with others who are also worried and anxious!