The ‘Hail Mary’, or Ave Maria, is the most famous and the most comprehensive Marian Prayer to Mary the Blessed Virgin, Mother of Jesus. This prayer exists in many languages, including Portuguese.
“Ave-Maria, cheia de graça!
O Senhor é convosco,
bendita sois vós entre as mulheres,
e bendito é o Fruto do vosso ventre, Jesus. Santa Maria Mãe de Deus,
rogai por nós os pecadores,
agora e na hora de nossa morte.
Hozana offers a wide variety of spiritual programs to help you grow your faith and practice daily prayer. You can learn the Lord's Prayer in French, Spanish, or Latin, or you can join one of many communities dedicated to praying to the Virgin Mary: Pray
to gain a better perspective of the Portuguese religious community, or every day!