The Little Hours: Daytime Prayer

The Liturgy of the Hours is composed of five Canonical Hours spread throughout the day: three Major Hours and two Minor Hours mark the day. The Daytime Prayer is a Minor Hour of the Divine Office, as it is the merging of the “Little Hours” celebrated in monastic tradition (Terce, Sext, None). Daytime Prayer is practiced between Lauds and Vespers.

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What Is Daytime Prayer?

Originally, the Liturgy of the Hours was exclusively celebrated by ordained members of the Church: it was devised in 8 canonical Hours, spread throughout the day and the night. The Second Vatican Council mandated the reform of the Divine Office, making the Liturgy simpler and accessible to the Laity. Daytime Prayer is composed of one or more of the “Little Hours” of monastic tradition, namely Terce, Sext, and None. The Hour’s structure is a shorter version of other Offices, like the Office of Readings. It comprises a series of psalms, hymns, and Scripture readings.

The Little Hours of The Divine Office

The Minor Hours are the shorter Hours of the Divine Office. Originally, the ‘Little Hours’ included an Early Morning Prayer called Prime, but it was since canceled. The texts and the psalms recited during Daytime Prayer vary according to the time of celebration observed by the layperson. 

  • Terce: This Hour takes place at around 9 a.m. (at ‘the third hour after sunrise’) It is the Hour of the Crucifixion of Jesus. 

  • Sext: At noon (the ‘sixth hour after sunrise’). 

  • None: At around 3 p.m. (the ‘ninth hour after sunrise’). It is the hour of the death of Jesus Christ, referred to as the Hour of Mercy

Pray Every Day with Hozana

Hozana offers you to join a wide variety of spiritual programs to grow your faith every day! The Second Vatican Council and the reform of the Liturgy of the Hours remind every Christian of the importance of daily prayer. Hozana can help you organize your day of prayer by inviting you to discover multiple prayer communities that connect you with your Christian brothers and sisters around the world: Meditate on the Daily Gospel, join a community to reflect on the words of the Fathers of the Church, say a prayer a day, and more!

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