St. Benedict Prayer to Protect a Child

St. Benedict is a powerful protector against evil spirits, which earned him the title of patron saint of exorcisms: praying to St. Benedict is also said to help you against misfortunes. He is considered as the father of monks and nuns of the Benedictine Order, which he founded in 540. Turn to this benevolent patriarch to pray for the protection of your child.

Prayer to St. Benedict for the Protection of a Child

“O God, You protect those who hope in You; all strength and holiness come from You: help me to feel the effects of Your mercy, so I may be protected from every misfortune, with You as my guide.

O God, You prepared celestial and invisible graces for those who love You. Fill my heart with Your love, so I may one day reach the bliss You promised, in complete adoration for Your creation.

I believe in You, O Father Almighty, and I profess Your omnipotence and infinite goodness. You are compassionate and gentle to the children of men; David exclaimed: “I sought the Lord, and he answered me”   

This is why, Lord, I turn to You in confidence through the intermediary of one of Your Greatest saints: St. Benedict, Patriarch of the monks, implore You to grant me the grace of Your powerful protection for this child: (name the child), so no evil nuisance or no terrible actions done by others may harm [his/her] body and soul. 

I believe in you, O blessed St. Benedict, and in your power and mercy; you loved humans, and because of your love you came to protect them through the power of your Holy Cross, terror of demons and evildoers. 

O saint Benedict, your precious gifts comfort and fortify us, your graces purify and protect us, your light enlightens our path. Blessed are you, st. Benedict, for I will never be able to return even a thousandth of the graces I ask of you for this child. I implore you to have pity on [him/her], [he/she] is defenseless against the many forms of evil in this world, which thrive thanks to the weakness of humans.  

O st. Benedict, keep (name your child) under the shadow of your Holy Cross, may it always shield [him/her] and defend them. 

St. Benedict, defender of the faith; defend this child.

St. Benedict, protector of the souls; protect this child.

St. Benedict, guardian of the Church of Christ; guard this child. 

St. Benedict, founder of the Rule of Western monks; bless [him/her] with an intelligent mind. 

O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, You possess the same essence and the same eternity; O one true God, You inhabit an eternal and inaccessible light; Almighty Sovereign, You are the creator of the universe and govern us with all Your wisdom; O infinitely good and merciful Father, all praise and honor and glory are Yours; Open to me the door of Your Kingdom and justice. 

Eternal Father, in Your infinite goodness, I implore You to grant Your Divine Protection to this child, through the intercession of your servant, St. Benedict. 

St. Benedict, have mercy on us. St. Benedict, pray for us. St. Benedict, hear our prayer.”

Recite three “Our Fathers”.

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