St. Therese Novena

Praying to St. Therese of Lisieux is said to be a great way to obtain abundant graces. Pope Pius XI himself was in awe of the “storm of glory” that descended in the commune of Lisieux, where numerous prayers were being answered. There are many ways to pray to St. Therese of Lisieux: of course, you will need to pray with all your heart, but you can also use the prayers composed by St. Therese of Lisieux, her poems, or celebrate her Feast Day with a prayer community! 

Sometimes, you might want or need to deepen your prayer. In such cases, it is always a good idea to pray the novena to St. Therese of Lisieux.

St. Therese of Lisieux Novena

Discover the Carmel of Lisieux novena to St. Therese. Recite the following prayer every day for nine days:

“Saint Therese, you said “to love is to give everything and to give oneself.” Teach me to offer the very best of myself to God and my neighbour. Help me to love and to expect nothing in return. Help me learn to imitate God’s unconditional love. Ask the Lord to remove all traces of selfishness from my heart, that I may give without taking in the image of Jesus Christ. 

St. Therese, you made yourself so humble, so small…
You always tried to act with great love everywhere, even in your smallest daily tasks.
You are now a Doctor of the Church, and the Patron Saint of Missions.
Come teach me to open my heart to God, and to only want to accomplish His Holy Will, like you. 

Father Almighty, through the grace of Your Son Jesus Christ, you allowed St. Therese to abandon herself to You: allow me the same, let me live in Your presence and replenish my heart in yours.
Obtain for me that, like St. Therese of Lisieux, I may desire Your love above all, beyond everything. 

St. Therese, you received the grace of God: listen to my petition (name your request).

I believe in God, the Father Almighty

Our Father, who art in heaven…

Hail Mary, full of grace…”

A Novena for Charity, Confidence and Humility

You can also pray this novena, translated from the Belgian Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter’s prayers. Start this novena on a Saturday, to finish it on the following Sunday (day of the Eucharist).

Day 1: Of the presence of God. 

St. Therese of the Child Jesus, you lived under the eye of God: rekindle my awareness of His divine presence. Help me fulfill all my daily duties. Make my work an endless prayer, accomplished with the intent of pleasing the Lord, 

Hail Mary…

“Saint Therese, pray for me and present to the Lord my humble request (name your request)”

Day 2: Humility

Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, help me love to live an ordinary life. Know that my prayer is sincere: I want to fade into the background, to be unnoticed, I will say nothing that could cast a light on me. 

Hail Mary…

“Saint Therese, pray for me and present to the Lord my humble request (name your request)”

Day 3: Confidence

St. Therese of the Child Jesus, I want to abandon myself to the Fatherly Will of God, and I submit myself to everything He will decide. I want to follow your example, and serve Him faithfully. At every hour, I will repeat your sentence: “My joy is the Holy Will of Jesus, my only love.”

Hail Mary…

“Saint Therese, pray for me and present to the Lord my humble request (name your request)”

Day 4: Charity

Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, inspire me, that I may prove my love to God: by visiting the less fortunate, may I show a true charity, make a true offering, and a true sacrifice. I make the resolution to always watch that my words do not offend anyone. 

Hail Mary…

“Saint Therese, pray for me and present to the Lord my humble request (name your request)”

Day 5: Duty

Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, I want to forget myself and only think of serving my neighbour. I will do all that I can to make their life more pleasant: I pledge to do this to manifest my affection, and to please the Lord. 

Hail Mary…

“Saint Therese, pray for me and present to the Lord my humble request (name your request)”

Day 6: Having a Penitent Spirit

Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, tell the Lord that I want to attach myself to His sorrowful Passion to atone for my sins. Offer Him all the small sacrifices that I will make today. May they all represent the roses that you will lay at His feet. 

Hail Mary…

“Saint Therese, pray for me and present to the Lord my humble request (name your request)”

Day 7: Zeal

Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, today I am still determined: I want to pray, to work, to self-sacrifice for the conversion of sinners, the consolation of the afflicted, and the deliverance of the Souls in Purgatory. What is more efficient than this apostolate of prayer and suffering, that you practiced yourself? 

Hail Mary…

“Saint Therese, pray for me and present to the Lord my humble request (name your request)”

Day 8: Purity of Soul

Saint Therese of the Child Jesus, I would like to spend this day without making a single mistake. Like you, I will refuse nothing from God: I will do all that He asks through the voice of my good conscience. 

Hail Mary…

“Saint Therese, pray for me and present to the Lord my humble request (name your request)”

Day 9: Communion

St. Therese of the Child Jesus, prepare me to receive Our Lord in my heart, and if I can’t, help me unite myself to Him by committing me to His Holy Will.

Make me say sincerely: “not my will but yours be done.” My God, if you deign hear my prayers through the intermediary of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, may my commitment to serve You be a sign of my gratitude. 

Hail Mary…

“Saint Therese, pray for me and present to the Lord my humble request (name your request)”

The Intercession of St. Therese and Her Abounding Graces

Pope Pius XI could not believe how many favours were granted through the intercession of St. Therese. He made her the star of his pontificate, and she occupied an important place in his heart. He beatified, and canonized the “Little Flower” on May 17th, 1925. 

The Pope himself prayed often to Little Therese, and thanks to her, a few of his prayers were answered, namely: the resolution of the conflict between the Holy See and the Fascist Government of Italy with the signature of the Lateran Treaty in 1929, and his healing in 1937 from a serious affliction. Pope Pius XI is far from being the only one to obtain favours from St. Therese of the Child Jesus. “The greatest saint of modern times” still rains abounding graces down on earth. Praying to St.Therese bears its fruits, and there are many testimonies from people who are ready to attest to that!

Pray to the Little Flower with Hozana!

Hozana offers you to join a wide variety of prayer communities to help you grow your faith every day. Pray to St. Therese and other saints on Hozana! Say a novena to St. Therese by joining this prayer community. 

Pray every day with St. Therese with a daily reflection on quotes from the Little Flower.

Association Hozana - 8 rue du Palais de Justice, 69005 Lyon

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