The Agnus Dei is a Catholic devotion recited during Mass and other liturgies, such as the litany of the saints. ‘Agnus Dei’ is the Latin name referring to the 'Lamb of God' (Jesus Christ) who offered Himself in sacrifice for the salvation of sinners. It is possible to say that prayer either in Latin or in English.
This prayer is traditionally sung or recited before Communion.
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“Agnus Dei
qui tollis peccata mundi
miserere nobis
Agnus Dei
qui tollis peccata mundi
miserere nobis
Agnus Dei
qui tollis peccata mundi
dona nobis pacem”
“Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world: have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world: have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world: grant us peace.”
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