Praying‌ ‌for‌ ‌Your‌ ‌Spouse

On the day of your wedding, you can personally entrust your marriage to the Lord by reciting a wedding prayer. But as you move forward in your married life, you should not stop praying for your couple. Continue praying for your husband or your wife: as the years go along, and you face different challenges, it is not always easy to look at your spouse with the same love and affection that you had when you married them.

Love grows in maturity, and for that, it can seem different from year to year. Praying for your spouse is a consistent, beautiful symbol of love: it can help you see them through the eyes of God, Who profoundly cares for each of His children. Treasure your relationship with your spouse, and help them face difficulties by accompanying life’s challenges with prayers: illness, problems at work, being lost or misguided...

A Short Daily Prayer for Your Marriage

“Father, help me to be the best wife/husband  you have intended me to be. Show me where I need to improve. Help me to be a better communicator, help me to love my spouse better, and help us both to grow closer to You and to each other in this new day. 

In Jesus' Name, 


A Prayer of Thanksgiving for Your Spouse

“Father, thank you so much for my spouse, and for the gift of marriage.
I am so grateful to have a partner to accompany me throughout this life. Do not let me forget that they are a treasure, and a blessing from You. 
Help me treat them as such! 


A Prayer to St. Rita for Your Marriage

“O glorious saint Rita, in obedience to your parents, you accepted to marry and became a true model of a Christian spouse. I offer myself to you today, hoping for your help and protection. For years, you endured unfair treatment in your conjugal life: help me remain faithful to God and to my spouse. 

Protect us, sanctify our work and bless our endeavours, for the glory of God and the good of this marriage. May nothing trouble our harmony.

O saint Rita, may prosperity reign in our home; may the angels of peace watch over us; may we resolve every sign of dissent; may charity be a governing force in our hearts; may we never lack the love that unites our souls, which were saved by the most Precious Blood of Christ.

O glorious saint Rita, bring our prayers to the Lord, and pray for us, that my spouse and I may one day be reunited in Heaven to praise the Lord.


Other Prayers for Your Husband or Wife

If it is important to pray regularly for your spouse when everything is fine, then it is essential that you pray for them when things go wrong. On the day of your wedding, you make an oath before the Lord to love and protect your soulmate “in sickness and in health.” Prayer can help you support your spouse spiritually:

Wives can entrust their husbands to Joseph, by praying that they become inspired by the loving, affectionate spouse of the Virgin Mary. Likewise, husbands can entrust their wifes to Our Mother Mary. 

Entrust Your Family to the Lord on Hozana

Prayer is one of the most beautiful gifts you can offer yourself and your spouse. It means that you care for your spiritual life and theirs, and it helps you feel closer to Our Father in Heaven. 

Discover the many prayer communities on Hozana to entrust you special petitions to God. Enjoy a time of relaxation with a

. Join the many prayer communities to Joseph and Mary, or entrust your special intentions to the prayers of your Christian brothers and sisters around the world!

Association Hozana - 8 rue du Palais de Justice, 69005 Lyon

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