Starting your day with prayer is important, and can have a significant beneficial impact on your life. Take a few minutes of quiet to meet with God, entrust with Him your family, and your personal matters: your work, your plans for the future… It is a great way to start off your day on the right foot!
Recite a morning prayer before going to work to ask God to bless you and your job, and to be with you throughout your career path: He can guide you towards better relationships, better decisions, and more importantly, He can support you when you encounter difficulties at your workplace.
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“Lord, I commit my labours of this day to You.
May Your Holy Spirit work through me to manifest your peace to others.
May It grant me wisdom and strength, to look with love to my work.
May It bring me patience, understanding, gentleness and availability, to see Your children through Your eyes, beyond appearances.
Lord, close my ears to slander, keep my tongue from speaking maliciously.
Wrap me in Your grace, O Lord, that I may show your presence to those who will approach me today.
“O Jesus, I observe You as You work by the sweat of Your brow in the carpentry alongside Joseph, in communion with Your Father in Heaven, and Your sister and brothers on earth.
I offer to You this day’s work: may it allow me to grow closer to You in all the moments where I turn to You.
May this work help me serve my brothers and sister as much as the peace and the love that I hope to offer them.
Come, O Lord, and work with me today, and this day will be fulfilled even if the results of my work are poor or my job is thankless.”
Translated from the common prayer of the Dominican Monastery of Estavayer (Switzerland)
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Discover the prayer communities on Hozana to help you connect with your Christian brothers and sisters in prayer: say a prayer every day, enjoy a time of relaxation with a daily reading and meditation on the daily gospel, reflect on the words of the fathers of the Church, and more!
Entrust your working days to God with a novena to St. Joseph the Worker.