Prayer for Job Security

The many crises and turmoils of the professional world are causes of job insecurity, and anxiety on your end. Present your fears and worries to the Lord, and pray every day for your work. More importantly, follow the example of Pope Francis, and pray for the strength to build a fairer and more equitable world, where we all may live and thrive thanks to our work.

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A Prayer to Fight Together for Your Work

“Lord, do not leave us on our own. Help us to help each other; so that we forget our selfishness a little and feel in our heart the “we”, the we of a people who want to keep on going.

Lord Jesus, you were never out of work, give us work and teach us to fight for work and bless us all. In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”.

(Pope Francis)

A Prayer to Do Your Best at Work

“I observe You, O Lord, wearing a servant’s garment, washing the feet of your disciples. Lord, grant me the grace to put my love and goodwill at the service of my work; this love, I will give to my colleagues, to all the people I must serve. 

This love, I do not have it within me, but You can offer it to me. 

Come to my help, O Jesus, and teach me to love and accomplish my work with all my heart, in union with Your will.”

(Translated from the prayers of the Dominican Monastery of Estavayer)

Pray to St. Joseph The Worker with Hozana

Join the many prayer communities on Hozana! Connect with your Christian sisters and brothers around the world by entrusting with them your prayer intentions

Offer your professional life to the Patron Saint of workers with a novena to St. Joseph the Worker

Pray every day to St. Joseph, and progress in your spirituality by taking example of the loving Foster-Father of Jesus Christ. 

Association Hozana - 8 rue du Palais de Justice, 69005 Lyon

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