A Litany is a prayer form structured around a series of petitions, recited or sung by a soloist (usually, a priest) and responded to by one person or a group of people. Litanies can be used to invoke God, His Son Jesus Christ, and many saints (The Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, St. Rita, etc.). Discover the Litany of St. Expeditus, an important figure to Christians all around the world, and to whom many prayers are dedicated.
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“Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously us.
God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, Queen of martyrs, pray for us.
Saint Expeditus, invincible athlete of faith, pray for us.
Saint Expeditus, thou who didst stay faithful to the end, pray for us.
Saint Expeditus, thou who didst lose all to win Jesus Christ, pray for us.
Saint Expeditus, thou who didst submit to be beaten with rods, pray for us.
Saint Expeditus, thou who wast slain by the sword, pray for us.
Saint Expeditus, thou who didst receive from the Lord the crown of righteousness, which He hath promised to those who love Him, pray for us.
Saint Expeditus, Patron of the Youth, pray for us.
Saint Expeditus, Help of Scholars, pray for us.
Saint Expeditus, Model of Soldiers, pray for us.
Saint Expeditus, Protector of Travellers, pray for us.
Saint Expeditus, Advocate of Sinners, pray for us.
Saint Expeditus, Health of the Sick, pray for us.
Saint Expeditus, Consolation of The Afflicted, pray for us.
Saint Expeditus, Mediator of Lawsuits, pray for us.
Saint Expeditus, our help in urgent matters, pray for us.
Saint Expeditus, who dost teach us never to defer, pray for us
Saint Expeditus, Most faithful support of those who hope in thee, pray for us
Saint Expeditus, whose protection at the hour of death insures salvation, pray for us.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us.
V. Pray for us, O Saint Expeditus,
R/ That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray:
Almighty and Eternal God, Who art the consolation of the afflicted and the support of those in pain, deign to receive the cries of our distress, so that by the intercession and merits of thy glorious martyr, St Expeditus, we may joyfully experience in our extreme necessity the help of thy mercy, through Christ Our Lord.”
St. Expeditus is the Patron saint of the youth, scholars, and most particularly, of emergencies. You can pray for his help in various situations: conflicts, lawsuits, exams, driving tests… His litany is designed to help us invoke him by naming his many patronages and the important events of his life (his conversion to Christianity, his martyrdom, etc.). St. Expeditus, or Expedite, was a roman centurion of the III century, who was determined to show his faith proudly: he converted without hesitation and testified of his faith to his fellow soldiers. He was flogged and decapitated for refusing to deny his faith in God.
St. Expeditus is known for not procrastinating: we pray to him, that he inspires us to do the same, and that we find quick resolutions for our problems. When praying his litany, we choose to entrust everything to him and his values, which is why we enumerate his many qualities and gifts: to build a form of closeness with the saint, so that he brings our prayers to the Lord.
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You can always recite the litany of St. Expeditus, ending each verse with “pray for me”. However, there are other more specific prayers to St. Expeditus you can recite in for special situations:
You can say these prayers on their own or include them in a novena (in which case, you recite the prayer for nine successive days).
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