The Most Beautiful Quotes from Saints on Angels

"When speaking of angels, we see their wings," - Quebec proverb. Indeed, the more we pay attention to these celestial spirits, the more we can perceive their presence in our lives. The holy angels, whatever their place in the hierarchy of angels, are protectors and messengers to men. Whether they are our faithful guardian angels  or the archangels mentioned in the Bible, these spiritual creatures are part of our lives. Some women and men, such as Padre Pio, have developed a strong relationship with their angels and have let themselves be led to holiness by these celestial companions. Through quotes from saints, doctors of the Church and popes, let us learn to welcome and feel their presence.

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5 Quotes on God's Holy Angels

“If anyone had the happiness of seeing the veil that covers his eyes fall, he would see with what attention, with what solicitude the angels stand in the midst of those who pray, within those who meditate, on the bed of those who rest, on the head of those who govern and who command.” (Saint Bernard of Clairvaux)

“Everything visible in this world is entrusted to an angel.” (Saint Augustine)

“[the angels] guard the parts of the Earth; they rule over the peoples and regions, as they have been established by the Creator; they direct our affairs and assist us. According to the divine will and disposition they are above us and always surround God.” (Saint John Chrystostom)

“The Angels are our pastors; not only do they bring our messages to God, but they also bring us those of God. They nourish our souls with their sweet inspirations and divine communications; as good pastors, they protect and defend us against wolves, that is to say against demons.” (Saint John of the Cross)

"Let your interactions be always pure and centered on God; model them on the angels of heaven. Apart from the care required by the fragility of human nature, to always live in heaven, consider and imitate in everything the life of the angels. Let this contemplation be your mistress, let this consideration be your rule.” (Saint Anselm)

Discover the role of each type of angel through the nine choirs of the angels.

9 Quotes on Guardian Angels: Protectors and Faithful Companions


Trust in your guardian angel. Treat him as an intimate friend: he is. He will be able to render you a thousand little services in the ordinary business of each day.” (Saint José Marie Escriva)

“[...] our weakness, if guardian angels had not been given to it, could not resist the numerous and powerful attacks of celestial spirits. It needed the help of a higher nature. We know that this is so by the words with which the Lord strengthened Moses, trembling and fearful: “My angel will precede you.” (Saint Hilary) (Discover more verses from the Bible about angels)

“So great is the dignity of souls that each one, from birth, has an angel in charge of his guard.” (Saint Jerome)

“Everyone, as humble as they are, has angels to watch over them. They are glorious, pure, magnificent, and yet they have been given to you as companions on the road, they are responsible for carefully watching over you, so that you do not deviate from Christ, their Lord.” Pius XII

“In whatever house, however small you are, respect your good Angel, for he is present; he is very close to you; not only is he with you, but he is there for you, he seeks to protect you and be of help to you. With an angel with you, what could you fear? Your Angel cannot be defeated or deceived; he is faithful, he is prudent, he is powerful: why then be afraid?” (Saint Bernard of Clairvaux)

Remember often the presence of this angel, thank him, pray him, keep him always good company. Open yourself to him and entrust your suffering to him. Have a constant fear of offending the purity of her gaze. Know this and fix it in your mind, it is so delicate, so sensitive. Speak to him in the hours of supreme anguish and you will experience his beneficial help. (Padre Pio)

"The Guardian angel is always by our side to bring us to good and defend us against the evil angels who, constantly, prowl around us to bring us to evil." (holy parish priest of Ars)

The presence of the Guardian Angel in our lives is not only to help us on the way, but to make us see where we need to go (Pope Francis)

And of course, the word of Jesus, himself, in the Gospel of Matthew: “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.” ”(Matthew 18:10)

5 Quotes on Angels and prayer

The prayer of the angels

One of the tasks of the angels is to pray for us, for our salvation, as we are reminded by two saints who have had an intimate relationship with their guardian angels all their lives: the parish priest of Ars and Padre Pio.

“Beginning in the morning, one must wake up and offer God his heart, his mind, his thoughts, his words, his actions, all himself, to serve only his glory. To renew the promises of his baptism, to thank his guardian angel, to ask him for his protection, to this good angel who remained beside us during our sleep. If you are unable to pray, hide behind your good angel, and ask him to pray for you.” (holy parish priest of Ars)

“What a consolation to know that close to us is a spirit who, from cradle to grave, never leaves us for a moment, not even when we dare to sin! This heavenly spirit guides us, protects us as a friend, as a brother. But it is equally comforting to know that this angel prays incessantly for us, that he offers to God all the good works we do, our thoughts and desires when they are pure.” (Padre Pio)

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Importance of invoking and praying to God's angels

The popes regularly remind us how good it is to invoke and pray to our angels. The Catholic Church has emphasized the importance of this devotion with the establishment of the feast of the holy guardian angels, on October 2, which follows the feast of the holy archangels (on September 29) by a few days.

“Devotion is actualized in the practice of the prayer of each day, by invoking his angel at the beginning and at the end of each day, but also throughout the day.” (Pius X)

“Our desire is to increase the devotion to the guardian angel. Everyone has his own and everyone can converse with angels and his fellow men.” (John XXIII)

“Dear brothers and sisters, we would remove an important part of the Gospel if we left aside those beings sent by God, who announce his presence among us and are a sign of it. Let us invoke them often, so that they may support us in the commitment to follow Jesus until we identify with Him.” (Benedict XVI)

Discover beautiful prayers to the guardian angels: invocations to be made at any time, such as prayers for the morning or the evening.

With Hozana, learn all about angels and pray with them!

On Hozana, find prayer communities to pray and invoke God's holy angels. Several novenas are available online. By registering for free, every morning for nine days, you will receive a short video or a short text to learn more about the angels, their missions, and how to listen to them and talk to them.

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